The School Age Child Care program (grades 2-5) is a year-round program that promotes positive youth development, and offers a safe space where our students can explore their full potential.  The afterschool programming provides a setting that benefits youth, families, and communities.  We support teamwork, critical thinking, creativity, academic development, and physical health.  Our students are given the opportunity to learn new things, make new friends, and have fun-all factors that are essential for youth to be successful in life. 

School Age Child Care programming provides numerous possibilities for students to explore their personal interests, and provide a safe and supervised environment to learn, grow, and discover what they are passionate about. A variety of activities from organized sports, fitness, arts, crafts, multicultural education, field trips, cooking classes, STEM (science-technology-engineering-math), and youth leadership are offered through our OJJDP grant.


In addition to exploring their interests, our School Age afterschool program gives youth a chance to socialize and make new friends. We provide a much-needed sense of community for kids who may not have that at home or in their neighborhood. Our youth feel connected to something larger than themselves and develop a sense of belonging.  They also develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes to grow healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships with peers and adults, and make responsible, caring decisions.

Normal Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 6:30 am to 8:30 am & 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm.
School vacations all other non-school days: 6:30 am to 5:30 pm. 
Extended hours of operation are available for early release days and school delays.

Rates: School year weekly rate-$135.00 per week for residents of Gardiner, West Gardiner, Pittston and Randolph. All other towns are charged an additional $25 per week. Childcare rates will remain constant as long as school is in session.
Weekly fees include all non-school days, early release days, school delays and school vacation weeks (February & April). 

Meals: Breakfast is provided each morning from 7:00 am to 8:00 am in the child's classroom. Afternoon snacks are provided daily, and lunch is provided when a full day of childcare is needed.

School Age availability is limited.  To check availability, call (207) 582-8458 or contact our School Age Director via email  Registration is not complete and your child(ren) cannot attend without a director’s approval.


Our summer programming provides a setting that benefits youth, families, and communities.  We support teamwork, critical thinking, creativity, academic development, and physical health.  Our students are given the opportunity to learn new things, make new friends, and have fun-all factors that are essential for youth to be successful in life. 

School vacations and summer vacations: 6:30 am to 5:30 pm. 

Rates: Summer weekly rate-$180.00 per week for Gardiner, West Gardiner, Pittston and Randolph. All other towns will be charged an additional $25 per week.

All field trips and meals are included in the weekly rate.

School Age availability is limited.  To check availability, call (207) 582-8458 or contact our School Age Director via email  Registration is not complete and your child(ren) cannot attend without a director’s approval.

To Register for School Age Year-Round Programming, Click Here to print the Registration Form.

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