Our Chelsea Clubhouse is located at the Chelsea Elementary School, 566 Togus Road, Chelsea, ME. This Clubhouse offers year-round childcare programs for students from Chelsea and Whitefield Elementary Schools ages 5 to 12.
Whitefield students are transported by RSU 12 to the Chelsea Clubhouse after school. Chelsea families can pick between Before & After Care or After Care. Whitefield families unfortunately can only participate in After Care since there is no transportation to school. Afternoon snacks are provided daily by RSU 12 and breakfast and lunch are provided when needed. The Club is open on workshops days, Feb/Apr vacation, school delays and snow days.
Hours of Operation
Monday through Friday 6:30am to 8:00am/2:30pm to 5:30pm (Wednesday 1:30pm - 5:30pm)
Morning Hours are extended for school delays
Full Day Care 6:30am - 5:30pm
Chelsea is the ONLY Clubhouse that offers just after care due to Whitefield students.
School Year Before & After Care $135.00 per week
School Year After Care $90.00 per week
Does not include before school, delays, or no school days
Vacations & Summers Weeks (First full week once school has been released) $180.00 per week
Registration forms are available here. All original forms MUST be submitted to the program director before starting any program. Childcare licensing also requires the Club to have immunization records on all kids file before a child care start.
For information about openings and other questions about our Chelsea Clubhouse please contact Erica Stanley the Program Director at estanley@bgckv.org or 207-215-4193.
The Chelsea Clubhouse also hosts one of the three 21st Century Community Learning Center Sites for students in 3rd-8th grade. For more information about the CCLC program click here. This program is not part of licensed child care. Students do not need to be a member of child care to participate in CCLC.
For more information about our Chelsea Clubhouse please contact Erica Stanley at estanley@bgckv.org