The Boys & Girls Clubs of Kennebec Valley is the place where great futures are started each and every day.

In every community, boys and girls are left to find their own recreation and companionship in the streets. An increasing number of children are at home with no adult care or supervision. Young people need to know that someone cares about them.

  Serving over 2,500 kids annually through

  quality child care and teen programming

Serving 100,000 meals annually

Serving over 1,700 community members through community outreach including our Oldies but Goodies program with 75 members

Serving over 1,200 youth athletes in soccer, lacrosse, and softball

2024 BGCKV's

Youth of the Year

Yana Montell - 2024 Boys & Girls Clubs of Kennebec Valley Youth of the Year, shares: “After seven years as a Club kid, I still look forward to attending my Boys & Girls Club every single day.   It’s where I can be myself and be celebrated for it, where I developed leadership when I once accepted just being a spectator, and where I was able to create a clear vision of what a consistent, caring adult actually looks like.   Today, I no longer see the Club as a mere after-school refuge; I see it as a platform where I, as a role model, aim to lead the younger generation down the same path of love and acceptance that the Club illuminated for me.”

Youth of the Year celebrates teens whose Club experience has empowered them to find their own voice and achieve succss through afterschool experiences rooted in what matters most to them - choice, access, passion. These amazing young people represent the voice and spirit of hope for 4 million Boys & Girls Club youth.

The Youth of the Year is the most prestigious honor bestowed upon a young person. These individuals exemplify the Boys & Girls Club mission and are proof of the impact Clubs make in transforming and savings kids' lives.

2025 Youth of the Year Application


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While you are here, you can read about our history, see the programs we offer to youth and how they are designed to change and even save lives, find out how you can make an investment in our Club, and learn more about us by viewing the videos below.

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